Good News Mission

Bible Crusade

Bible Seminars in South KoreaWorld-Tour Bible Seminars
Bible Seminars in South Korea

1986, Good News Mission held its first Grand Bible Seminar at Mugunghwa Hall at Busan Isabel Girls High School, through which over 700 people came to believe in God. Since then, the Mission has been opening bible seminars semi-annually to reveal the light of the gospel at emblematic settings in various metropolitan areas, including Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Stadium, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju, Masan, Incheon, etc.

World-Tour Bible Seminars

Since the first missionary was dispatched to Germany in September 1989, missionaries are working in 80 countries at present. The driving force of their mission activities is the Bible Seminar. Bible Seminars have been held in countries where the gospel was unheard of, such as the inlands of Africa, Indio villages in South America, Hindu and Islamic regions of India, and Buddhist origins in Myanmar and China. Since 2006, Bible Seminars were annually held in Manhattan, New York, where they were welcomed by people of various languages.